Friday, February 1, 2013

Being Aware

Life can slip right past us.  That's where the idea for a 2013 Jar of Happy came from.  That's a work in progress name, it make be changed. But the premise (thank you pinterest) is to have a mason jar, and every time something fun happens, you do something enjoyable, you write it down and put it in the jar. Then at the end of the year, New Years Eve 2013, you pour the jar out and remember all the amazing things you did that year.

Of course you're going to remember your birthdays, your anniversary, big special events - but I'm trying to write the smaller day to day happenings that bring a smile to my face.  The things 333 days from now I won't recall.  Such as earlier in the month: I had been talking for 2 months about going to see This is 40. I thought it looked awesome! So one night Francel surprised me by having it so we could watch at home and got cold stone ice cream! Movie and ice cream night? Awesome! It was so fun and relaxing getting to watch at home - and ice cream is a big treat!

Would I remember that 10 months from now? Probably not.  Will I be excited to relive how we couldn't stop laughing at things that weren't even funny most of the movie now that I jotted it down and tossed it in the jar? Yes.

I hope I can keep it up.  Jot down your happy moments and toss them on a container.  New Years Resolution.  Track your happy :)

Speaking of New Years Resolutions.  We're going to break them into smaller goals.

True Fact:

Smaller goals are easier to reach and make the large goal less daunting.

Most people set goals in January and bail on them by February.  I'm setting a few in February and hopefully will succeed at them by March.  Month goals - yearly goals are scary.

This month is a little different that most months in that MY SISTER IS COMING TO VISIT!!!

Carrie is coming to see me the last week of February and I cannot wait!  I am also moving this month so packing everything up once again.  Hopefully it'll be the last move for a while.

But alas, my goals for February:

Money: Don't spend it.
How we accomplish this: Don't eat out.  Pack lunches. No unnecessary purchases.

Health: 5 vegan days a week.
How we accomplish this: Dairy is pretty easy to avoid when you pack your own meals. Meal planning

Exercise: 5 workouts a week. At least of them as AM workouts.
How we accomplish this: 5 out of 7 isn't that bad a way to start.  Support is key too. Thank goodness for that fit loving boyfriend.  I'd like everyday to be a morning workout eventually, but we're taking baby steps.

Time Management: Try it!
How we accomplish this: Don't procrastinate.  Set aside time and use it wisely.  I am super good at planning in my planner, I just need to follow it.

So those are my February goals.  I'll let you know how it's going in a week.

Oh and when it works guess what we're motivating ourselves for?


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