Thursday, February 19, 2009

Getting Close!!!

Wow, 24 days until I leave home, and 32 until I start in Florida! So crazy and exciting!! I've been getting things together and am handing in my resignation to Thrifty's on Monday. I have already let them know, but they need the paper to be formal and official. I've been chatting with a really nice girl named Holly from the UK and she's also under 21 so it would be awesome if we get to live together!!! Her arrival date is March 10th though so it's probably unlikely. I'm really excited I'm going to Vancouver this weekend to visit my oldest sister Kimmy! And I get to see my friend from uni - Lara! Yay! When I get back I'll be leaving in just 20 days! Woooo!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Discovery Commercial

Hey! So the original Discovery channel commerical is awesome, but then they made a disney version and it got sooo much better! 35 days until I leave home and 42 until Florida!! Enjoy:)

Original Discovery Version:

Disney Version:

Thursday, February 5, 2009

little things

I got my visa papers!!! Which means I can actually go to the US and work! So exciting! They are very official and say 'Homeland Security' all over them. whoaa.

I also got my insurance today!!! I went with BCAA and it was around $175.00 for the 4 months which I think is good? It covered everything I needed, including my contacts/glasses. and they'll ship my remains home if something details are so lovely aren't they....

Police check was faxed out the other all that is left is paying my housing fee the shopping/list making/packing/waiting another 38 days!

disney musical chairs...